
Avatar Development

Metaverse Avatar Development

We assist you in launching a future-ready Metaverse by providing technical and development support for your project. With our knowledge of blockchain, augmented reality, and virtual reality, we design and develop metaverse components such as 3D virtual spaces, metaverse NFT marketplaces, metaverse applications, and decentralised platforms.

Our Metaverse Development Services

Game Development

Game Avatars

We create avatars for gaming metaverse projects, which are personalized graphical representations of players. Depending on your project requirements, our developers create detailed two-dimensional and three-dimensional avatars.


Chat Avatars

We create profile avatars for chat-based metaverse platforms. These customizable avatars represent users' digital personas, allowing them to chat, interact via video, and share a variety of emotions and expressions just like real people.

Metaverse Avatar Development

Workplace Avatars

Bringing physical office experience to the virtual workplace, we create workplace-specific avatars for engaging work experiences ranging from board meetings to casual office meetups in the metaverse.

Metaverse Avatar Development

Full Body Avatars

We use cutting-edge AR, VR, and graphic design tools to create full-body 3D avatars suitable for use in a variety of metaverse events such as formal meetings, e-commerce events, and community forums, allowing users to communicate anonymously.


Portrait Avatars

We use advanced technologies to create portrait avatars for a variety of metaverse projects, including real estate. Education and gaming. Our portrait avatars are easily customizable to reflect the unique characteristics of each user.

Metaverse Avatar Development

Avatars For VR Devices

We create and incorporate realistic digital avatars into your metaverse project to provide an engaging experience for VR device users. Our avatars allow users to interact with other users in a way that is nearly identical to the real world.

What make our 3D Avatar Unique

360° View Range

Our avatars have 360° viewing capabilities, giving users a complete view of the metaverse and improving their metaverse navigation experience.


We provide fully customizable avatars that users can personalize based on their physical appearance and bodily characteristics such as communication style and facial expressions.

Spatial Voice

We incorporate spatial audio into the avatars, allowing them to interact as naturally as possible in the metaverse. Similar to how communication occurs in the virtual world.

Photo Realistic

Our avatars, which are powered by high-definition graphics, NFTs, 3D technologies, and sensors, are photorealistic and depict real visual appearance and behaviour such as eye and mouth movements.


We create fully interoperable avatars that can switch between different metaverse projects, and participate in platform-specific activities.

Frictionless Movement

Our avatars are powered by human motion data, which depicts real-person movements more smoothly. Eliminating problems like content freezing and lip sync errors.

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1. Contact us

Fill the contact form protected by NDA, book a calendar and schedule a Zoom Meeting with our experts.

Mobile App Development Consultation
2. Get Consultation

Get on a call with our team to know the feasibility of your project idea.

Mobile App Development Consultation
3. Get estimate

Based on the project requirements, we share a project proposal with budget and timeline estimates.

Mobile App Development Consultation
4. Project kickoff

Once the project is signed, we bring together a team from a range of disciplines to kick start your project.