
Blockchain Developers

Hire one of our top blockchain developers to help your company’s ecosystem become more secure and transparent. Our blockchain developers are available to work in your timezone and meet the requirements of our Silicon Valley Caliber Vetting Process.

Services Offered By Our Blockchain Developers

Our blockchain developers are experienced in creating smart contracts, industry-specific dApps, stablecoins, and blockchain wallet apps, among other blockchain applications.


Blockchain Consulting & POC

Hire blockchain experts to examine your company's infrastructure for problems and possibilities that blockchain technology can solve. Our blockchain developers will construct a proof-of-concept (PoC) for your business use case and test a solution to improve operational efficiency and productivity.

Blockchain Consulting

dApp Development

We create decentralized applications that run on a peer-to-peer network by designing, developing, and deploying them. Our blockchain developers can also help you in porting a dApp with reusable code to any operating system. We can convert your current application to any blockchain development platform that matches your needs.

Web app dev

Smart Contracts Development

We have a team of blockchain experts who can create reliable and secure smart contracts to automate the execution process on a variety of blockchain platforms, including Hyperledger Sawtooth, Hyperledger Fabric, EOS, Tezos, and Stellar.

Blockchain Consulting

Decentralized Exchange App Development

Our blockchain developers can build a secure and reliable Android/iOS or web-based platform that allows for the efficient and secure real-time exchange of digital currencies and assets.

Stablecoin Development

Hire our blockchain developers to create stable coinage with decentralized governance that is backed by fiat, commodities, crypto-currencies, and assets. Our team can also assist you in developing, deploying, and marketing a robust coin business strategy.


Blockchain Wallet App Development

Our blockchain developers can create blockchain wallet applications that can store a variety of digital currencies and assets while also allowing users to view their balance and track transaction history on a decentralized network.

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Why Should You Hire Blockchain Developers From Bluetris?

Domain Expertise

Our blockchain development team has experience with Hyperledger, Stellar, Tezos, EOS, and Tron, as well as other blockchain platforms.


We make every effort to keep all of your project details private and confidential, and we sign a stringent Non-Disclosure Agreement to achieve this.

Quick and Agile Development Process

To decrease the time to market for software and deliver blockchain projects on time, we adopt and implement the agile software development process. We deliver a project using the Agile Methodology in multiple sprints, each of which is produced and tested separately.


You may collaborate with our remote blockchain developers while remaining completely informed about their daily activities. Our developers meet with your team on a daily basis to ensure that we are working on tasks that are important to your project.

Blockchain Development Platforms We Work On


A decentralized public platform for decentralized applications (dApps)..


Stellar is an open platform for creating financial solutions that bring people together from all around the world.

XDC Network

The worldwide trade and financial industry is supported by an open-source, enterprise-ready hybrid blockchain.


An open-source blockchain umbrella project for building enterprise-grade blockchain apps.


Corda is a blockchain platform for businesses that are open source.


EOS is a decentralized blockchain that can conduct transactions quickly and easily.


A decentralised platform for the creation of high-performance blockchain applications.


Acrylic graph DLT is fair, fast, and secure


Decentralized Assets and Applications on an Open-Source Platform

Get started today

Mobile App Development Consultation
1. Contact us

Fill the contact form protected by NDA, book a calendar and schedule a Zoom Meeting with our experts.

Mobile App Development Consultation
2. Get Consultation

Get on a call with our team to know the feasibility of your project idea.

Mobile App Development Consultation
3. Get estimate

Based on the project requirements, we share a project proposal with budget and timeline estimates.

Mobile App Development Consultation
4. Project kickoff

Once the project is signed, we bring together a team from a range of disciplines to kick start your project.